CoRoT Symposium 3, Kepler KASC-7 joint meeting
6-11 Jul 2014 Toulouse (France)
Wednesday 9
Session 3 - Present and future ground-based and space projects
Marie-Jo Goupil (chair)
› 10:40 - 11:00 (20min)
The GES-CoRoT collaboration: first results
Marica Valentini  1@  
1 : Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam  (AIP)  -  Website
An der Sternwarte 16 14482 Potsdam -  Germany

The GAIA-ESO Survey (GES - Gilmore, Randich et al. 2012) is a public spectroscopic survey taking place at ESO-VLT. It was designed to be the most complete counterpart to the Gaia-ESA mission, providing atmospheric parameters and abundances for more than 100,000 stars located in the major Milky Way components.
Solar like pulsating giants, on the other hand, rehepresent a useful sample for a big surveyslike GES. Thanks to the informations about mass and radius derived from scaling relations, they can be an useful benchmark for testing log(g) derived by pipelines adopted by the survey and they are important tools for Galactic archaology, thanks to the precision of the ages and distances derived with the help of seismology. CoRoT is able to provide this sample for GES: CoRoT RG are easily observable by ESO facilities in the southern emisphere and it can provide a large number of targets with good seismic informations.
In the framework of a collaboration between GES and CoRoT, a sample of CoRoT solar like oscillating giants has been observed. In this presentation I will illustrate the "status of the art" of the GES-CoRoT collaboration and I will show some of the first results obtained.

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